2024 Kokoda Trek (9 Day Trip)


22nd June to 30th June, 2024

The first and last day of this adventure includes your international travel to and from Port Moresby as well as accommodation on the first and last night.

Important: Refer to the specific tabs for full details on this event, particularly [booking info] so you understand the conditions prior to following the [Book Now] link.

Alternatively, exclusive group treks (minimum 14 participants), to suit your preferred travel dates are available on request.


Aidan Grimes - YouTube

History of the Kokoda Track...Kokoda 1942 - Anzac Portal (dva.gov.au)


We will be updating these soon...



The Adventure

The Kokoda Trail or known to the diggers as the Kokoda Track, is more than a just bushwalk, it's a trekking adventure you'll never forget! The 96 kilometre Kokoda Track still bears its battle scars in the shape of scattered ammunition, guns, helmets and stirring campfire stories. Trekking the Original Kokoda War Track is a right of passage all Australians should aspire to achieve. There are steep rugged mountains, treacherous ridges, jungle terrain, unforgiving rivers and rainforests with giant trees that will tower over you and look down, mocking you, at every opportunity. Walk the Kokoda Track with Our Spirit on a PNG Adventure that embraces the local culture and experience nature at it's wildest - just as our diggers did in 1942.

Our Spirit's adventure walk is the ultimate Kokoda trekking experience. Discover yourself through the history of our diggers on this physical and emotional journey.  

Guided by experienced Australian leaders with comprehensive local knowledge and customs and an unwavering passion for the Kokoda history, hidden battle sites, treasures and most importantly its legacy. Our clients are given the opportunity to experience the highs and lows of the treacherous Kokoda Track with a sense of courage, endurance and mateship without the ultimate sacrifice that our digger's made before us.

Participants as young as 14 years and as old as 81 years have successfully completed the Kokoda Track with Our Spirit. We strongly believe, pre-trek Kokoda Track preparation is the key to our success. In fact, Our Spirit's safety and success record over the past 27 years is unrivalled by any other Kokoda trek operator. Our passion for the history is second to none as we are able to personalise your experience by including detailed information for relatives of the diggers who fought on the Kokoda Track or elsewhere in the "Pacific campaigns".

Our adventure package includes a 3 month pre-trek training program, airfares, accommodation, trekking fees and much more. Please refer to each of the tabs for full details on our inclusions, exclusions and pricing for this adventure or contact us to discuss your specific requirements.


Adventure Package Inclusions

 Our comprehensive adventure package includes:

  • Limited group size
  • 3 Month training and preparation program (refer to tab for details)
  • International Airfares and accommodation (refer to tab for details)
  • Australian leadership (refer to Leaders & Guides tab for details)
    • Pre-trek briefing at the hotel followed by daily briefings on the track
  • Vehicle transfers to/from
    • The start/finish of the Kokoda Track
    • Hotel to/from Bomana Cemetery to pay our respects to those who fought for the freedoms we enjoy today
  • Kokoda Track Authority - licence fees and trekking permits
  • Village Fees
  • Adventure accommodation - guesthouses/tents (twin share):
  • Group expedition equipment (carried by the legends) including:
    • Tents; cooking equipment; ropes; safety equipment; communication equipment (including satellite phone); etc
  • eXtreme Cuisine (TM) nutritionally balanced, energy appropriate trekking meals and snacks
    • Our Spirit provides all trek meals pre-packed for the group from Australia, including breakfast, lunch and dinner which are prepared on the track. Breakfast and evening meals are supplemented with local fresh vegetables and fruit, when available. Our ability to adequately cater for preferential diets, such as Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten free etc is limited however, we are happy to discuss options for medically related dietary requirements, upon request.
  • Certificate of completion and t-shirt
  • Subject to accessibility, GPS Spot tracking updates which enables family and friends to follow your journey along the Kokoda Track. 


Airfares & Accommodation

Our adventure packages include:

  • International economy class airfares to Port Moresby from Brisbane. Ex Sydney only monday or friday.
    • Option to depart Ex-Port Moresby available only on special request
  • Pre-paid departure taxes from Australia and PNG
  • Airport/accommodation transfers in PNG
  • Package travel insurance to the value of $200 (individual coverage subject to approval for Australian residents only) or rebate on final invoice
  • Twin share accommodation in Port Moresby
  • PNG domestic flight from Port Moresby Popondetta


Adventure Package Exclusions

The following personal items and expenses are not included in this adventure package. 

  • Travel Expenses:
    • Domestic airfares and accommodation (if required - refer to inclusions for details)
    • Passport and visa
    • Personal expenses in Port Moresby (including meals on first and last day of the trip)
    • Airline charges for excess baggage (limit of 17kg personal luggage allowed)
  • Trekking Equipment:
    • Backpack
      • hire backpacks are available with porterage service 
    • Waterpack/bladder
    • Head torch
    • Personal items:
      • trekking boots and premium trekking socks
      • appropriate clothing, footwear and hat
      • eating utensils (bowl, cup, knife, fork, spoon)
      • toiletries and towel
      • Sleep bag and mat
      • Basic personal first-aid kit, including insect repellent and pharmaceutical items

Note: a comprehensive equipment checklist is provided to participants, upon receipt of the deposit and prior to commencing the training program.

Please contact us if you would like a copy of our recommended budget to give you an indication of the total costs associated with this adventure.  

  • Medical Expenses:
    • Pre trek preparation and associated medical costs (including, but not limited to obtaining medical clearance, required prior to commencing the training program)
    • Malarial medication and any prescription medications recommended by your doctor
  • Other Expenses:
    We recommend trekkers take approximately $150-$200AUD to exchange on arrival in Port Moeresby for incidentals which are not included in the package. For example:
    • Subject to availability, additional fresh fruit and drinks can be purchased from local villagers along the track, if desired
    • Handmade crafts and souvenirs can also be purchased from numerous villages along the track



Our standard adventure package is:

  • $4995 including International travel depart/return Ex Brisbane or
  • $4895 including International travel depart/returnEx Cairns or
  • $5195 including International travel depart/return Ex Sydney (flight schedule permitting) or
  • $4495 (Ex Port Moresby), includes domestic airfare from Port Moresby to Popondetta

Note: Please refer to Adventure Package Inclusions and Exclusions tabs for full details on what is and isn't included. Prices stated are for trekkers carrying their own backpack (approx 12kg) with all personal gear including items provided by Our Spirit (i.e. sleeping bag, sleeping mat and a daily food ration pack) plus 2-3 litres of water. Our group guides carry all expedition equipment (i.e. tents, ropes, cooking equipment, group food supplies, etc..)

The following optional extras are also available at the time of booking or can be added up to 6 weeks prior to departure:

  • Personal Porterage Service:

    To maximise your trekking enjoyment, hire the services of one of our PNG local legends who will carry either your own backpack - $600 or with one of our backpacks - $610 (limited to 16kg) along the track. If you choose either of these options, you will still be required to carry a smaller day pack (up to 6kg) with essential personal requirements. Alternatively you can hire a backpack for collection in PNG for - $30  

    Note: Unlike some trek operators, our porterage fees include all trekking meals and travel costs for the PNG local providing this service to ensure the income goes back to the village of origin and isn't wasted in Port Moresby.
  • Singles Supplement:

    Our singles supplement is available for clients who want a hotel room to themselves on the first and last night of the trip. Additionally, they will be given their own tent to use for the duration of the trek. A surcharge of $255* is applied at the time of booking, if this option is selected.

Please contact us if you would like a copy of our budget, which covers exclusions and personal items for this adventure. Large group discounts and exclusive charters are also available on request.

* Subject to change in exchange rates between Australia and PNG.


Leaders & Guides

Our Spirit have the most experienced Australian Trek Leaders, doctors and qualified medics on the Kokoda Track. They ensure participant safety and deliver an experiential journey based on mateship, courage, endurance and sacrifice by:

  • Providing individual motivation and encouragement (including pre-trek training advice)
  • Creating opportunities for team cohesion
  • Presenting the most passionate and comprehensive historical briefings along the Kokoda Track (supported by various battalions from the Australian Military campaign. Eg. 2/16th and 2/14th battalions).
  • Guiding participants to significant battle sites on and off the Kokoda Track including the original wartime track (approved by Bert Kienzle and Stan Bisset 2/14th)
  • Informing participants of cultural etiquette and educate participants on basic Motu (local Papuan language)
  • Arranging ceremonial welcomes into villages
  • Hosting a tour of the Bomana Cemetery
  • Recognising and rewarding individual achievements on completion (including certificate of completion)

Our PNG Support Crew are Kokoda Legends are an essential part of our team and include: 

  • Group Guides - provide essential local knowledge and safe passage across the Kokoda Track
  • General Crew - carry our food supplies and the group expedition equipment
  • Group Cook - prepares all trek meals and assists with general crew duties

Important: Unlike other trek operators, Our Spirit PNG support crew ratio is 1 local legend for every 2 trekkers, which enables us to ensure your safe direction and provide you with the best cultural experience on the Kokoda Track. Additionally, our package fees include all meals and airfares (to/from village of origin) for our local guides and support crew. 



The Kokoda Trail or known to the diggers as the Kokoda Track, is more than a just bushwalk, it's a trekking adventure you'll never forget!

This 96 kilometre track still bears its battle scars in the shape of scattered ammunition, guns, helmets and stirring campfire stories. Trekking the Original Kokoda War Track is a right of passage all Australians should aspire to achieve. There are steep rugged mountains, treacherous ridges, jungle terrain, unforgiving rivers and rainforests with giant trees that will tower over you and look down, mocking you, at every opportunity.

Walk the Kokoda Track with Our Spirit on an adventure that embraces the local PNG culture and experience nature at its wildest - just as our diggers did in 1942.

If you're keen to know more about the history of the Kokoda Track and its significance to Australia, we have a wealth of resources and information that we'd love to share with anyone who is genuinely interested. Please contact us now for more information or to book a history presentation for your interested group.

Written By Aidan Grimes


In 1941/42 as part of aggressive Japanese expansionism in the Pacific region and under its “code of prosperity” Australian Mandated territory Port Moresby, became a strategic target. As a result of the Japanese threat, the 49th militia battalion from Queensland, who were ill equipped and trained, left Brisbane on 15th March 1941. They were transported from Australia to Port Moresby on the SS Katoomba and SS Zealandia ships.

The end of 1941 also saw the threat of war become greater and as a result, the Australian Government decided to bolster defenses in Moresby with the introduction of the 39th militia battalion from Victoria (raised in October 41) and the 53rd battalion from NSW (raised in November 41).

Both militia battalions as part of the 30th Brigade traveled on board the Aquitania from Sydney and arrived in Moresby on 3rd Jan 1942. Other Battalions that helped secure Moresby were the 13th field regiment and the 23rd heavy anti – aircraft battery.

The 8th division Australian Imperial Force (AIF) was dispatched to strategic Rabaul, Timor, Ambon and Singapore to protect airfields.

Assistance was also provided by the Papuan Infantry Battalion (PIB) which was made up of Papuan natives led by Australian officers. This was beneficial because it contained men with local knowledge of the tracks, territories and conditions. The New Guinea Volunteer Rifles were mostly made up of returned soldiers, non- natives, living in New Guinea.

The rapid rate of Japanese Military advancement following the bombing of the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl harbor on the 7th Dec 1941, the bombing and invasion of strategic Rabaul in Jan 1942, then the capitulation of Singapore in Feb 1942 and the annihilation of the 8th Division, sent a clear message that war would eventually reach mainland New Guinea and was seen as a threat to Australia’s Northern borders.

To further protect their expansionism and to prevent Allied intervention the Japanese bombed Darwin in Feb 1942, with over 250 casualties.

The Japanese Imperial headquarters was aware of the importance of Australia as a main allied base so it was decided to isolate Australia by capturing Port Moresby, occupying New Caledonia, Fiji and Samoa.

Australia was now vulnerable and this set the scene for the Kokoda campaign.

The Japanese initially planned to capture Port Moresby by a seaborne invasion. In early May 8th – 11th the Japanese planned attack on Port Moresby was foiled in the battle of the Coral Sea. A Japanese carrier fleet of 48 warships, including 3 Aircraft carriers, 13 cruisers, 32 destroyers headed for the Solomon Islands and Port Moresby. They were met by the US and Australian naval force comprising of 26 warships, aircraft carriers and cruisers in total 120 carrier aircraft. The Japanese lost 80 aircraft and 900 men. The allied force lost 66 aircraft and 545 men. The surviving Japanese troop ships retreated back to Rabaul. Other seaborne invasion attempts were further foiled culminating in the Battle of Midway June 4 -6th,1942 in which the Allies proved successful. This forced the Japanese Imperial army to adopt a different strategy to capture Port Moresby.

The only alternate strategy remaining was a little known native track (Kokoda Track) across the Owen Stanley Ranges that allowed access from the beach heads of Buna and Gona all the way to Port Moresby

.As a direct result of this, the Allied Commanders in Chief decided that it was strategically imperative to secure a forward air base so the Allies could attack the main Japanese stronghold at Rabaul. In order to protect an allied air base planned for the coastal areas of Dobodura. (near Popendetta) General Blamey instructed Morris on 29th June to secure the village of Kokoda. The Allied goal was to stop the Japanese reaching Port Moresby and to then push them back out to the Beach heads.

Subsequently, Captain Sam Templeton was ordered to lead his B Company 39th Battalion across the Kokoda Track to secure the village of Kokoda and its strategic airstrip. His untrained, badly equipped, inexperienced militia battalion were about to meet a far experienced and battle hardened force. The Japanese were numerically superior, well equipped and containing some of the best and most experienced jungle fighters, who were religiously indoctrinated and been part of the rapid Japanese success through the Pacific region. The Australian Militia would also encounter some of the most inhospitable terrain, inhabited by malarial and other tropical disease carrying insects, incessant heavy rainfalls, sleepless cold nights, humidity, lack of supplies and the constant threat of attack.

The Japanese landed at the beach head of Gona on July 21st 1942. They were first met by the forward elements of the Papuan Infantry Battalion (PIB) and the 39th Militia Battalion at the forward village of Awala. As a result of the Japanese landing, Lieutenant Colonel Owen was ordered to fly to Kokoda with reinforcements on the 23rd July and to command all PIB troops and his own 39th battalion to be called “Maroubra Force” and to prevent the Japanese advancement along the track.

After stubborn and dogged resistance the hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded Australian Militia troops, without Captain Templeton (who was presumed killed) retreated to Kokoda. At Kokoda the Militia managed to hold on before being overrun by intense concentrated Japanese attacks, forcing the Australians into a fighting withdrawal up the hill to the village of Deniki on July 29th.

In the process their Commanding Officer’ Owen was shot and killed. At this point, Militia reinforcements (the remainder of the 39th,) moved up the track from Port Moresby along with Major Cameron who assumed command.

With a reinforced battalion the defenders re-took Kokoda on Aug 8th. But under immense Japanese attack and dwindling ammunition and supplies managed to hold Kokoda for 1 day before withdrawing again.

After repeated attacks over days and increased pressure on Deniki the Japanese forced the Australians to withdraw to the village of Isurava where they dug in (Aug 14th). Further reinforcements were sent from Moresby in the form of the 53rd Militia to patrol the right flank on the Abuari Track, to prevent the Japanese outflanking the defensive force at Isurava on the main Kokoda Track. The Australian supply line was now a line of local Papuan carriers organized by local plantation owner, Bert Kienzle, who would carry supplies forward from Myola (an open dry lake bed situated at 2000m above sea level) to the battle front at Isurava, often extricating wounded soldiers along the way. Those supplies had been built up at Myola by air drop over the preceding days.

The highly experienced Lt Colonel Ralph Honner was also sent across the track to assume command of all “Maroubra Force” and managed to instill in the troops a greater Esprit de Corp. At this point in the Kokoda campaign the Japanese under the command of General Horii also continued to be reinforced efficiently due to their short supply route from the beach heads.

The battle hardened 2/14th Battalion AIF from Victoria and 2/16th Battalion AIF from Western Australia which had just returned from the Middle East were also sent across the track, with 2/14th expected to reach Isurava whilst the 2/16th were kept further back.

On August 26th the Japanese began a major offensive to capture Port Moresby, attacking Isurava. In an attempt to smash through the defending force they concentrated large numbers of troops with the support of mountain artillery against the exposed thin lines of Australian defensive positions.

As the young Militia troops of the 39th Battalion continued to stand firm against the aggressors, (at times outnumbered six to one) it was imperative that the 2/14th would arrive to reinforce them.

As the battle raged and casualties continued to rise, the Japanese continued to attack with higher intensity. The 53rd Militia under immense pressure on the Abuari Track, were forced into a withdrawal thereby exposing the 39th Battalion to a Japanese outflanking movement and certain annihilation.

On the afternoon of the 26th August the 2/14th Battalion arrived at Isurava and immediately assumed their positions in support of the Militia troops. They continued to hold their positions as the Japanese continued to attack with aggression in waves of as many as 200 soldiers.

Brigadier Arnold Potts now introduced the 2/16th Battalion to reinforce the Abuari Track pushing the Japanese back as far as the waterfall and thereby preventing the Japanese effecting an outflank.

On Aug 29th three days into the battle, Private Bruce Kingsbury of the 2/14th Battalion in the face of yet another Japanese attack counter attacked with his Bren gun and was killed in action – he was later awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery and he became the first VC winner on Australian soil.

The Japanese continued to attack the Australians positions, with far superior numbers forcing them out of Isurava (Aug 30th). The order was given to withdraw towards Alola and the long fighting withdrawal began as the troops moved through Eora Creek, Templeton’s Crossing and on towards the supply areas of Myola.

The retreating troops abandoned Myola damaging stores and poisoning food that the hungry Japanese would eventually eat causing major health problems. As the Australians withdrew to Effogi they fought aggressive rearguard actions causing many Japanese casualties. During this theatre of war and amidst the intensity of battle the Papuan native carriers continued to play a vital role. They continued to carry vital supplies for the troops, and carry those who were wounded or sick back across the Track to safety.

Withdrawing across the mountain ridges of the Owen Stanley Ranges the Australians, re-enforced by the fresh 2/27th Battalion from South Australia dug in at Mission Ridge and Brigade Hill, to once again await the inevitable Japanese onslaught. In the distance forward patrols could be heard engaging the Japanese with heavy gunfire as they amassed on the opposite mountains.

On Sept 8 the battle begun. The Japanese threw all their force at the Australians and over a few desperate days of sustained attacks managed to split the Australian defenders. This resulted in a large group of Australians with their wounded escaping through the jungle with little food for 17 days.

To once again avoid complete annihilation the Australians had no option but to withdraw through the villages of Menari to Nauro, followed by the long and intense climb up the Maguli range carrying the wounded towards Ioribaiwa Ridge (the second last ridge before Moresby). The Australian rear guard actions continued to harass and delay the Japanese advance.

By Sept 16th the Australians getting closer to Port Moresby and now with a shortened supply line withdrew from Ioribaiwa Ridge to Imita ridge (the last ridge before Moresby) where they were reinforced by the fresh 25th Brigade.

The Japanese dug in on the opposing ridge (Ioribaiwa) too sick and under nourished to maintain their advance. Elsewhere in the Pacific campaign the Allies had managed to advance in strategic areas such as Guadalcanal, and so, much needed reinforcements were not possible. They had been forced to fight hard and had run out of many supplies. As was the Australian supply line at Kokoda the Japanese supply line was now stretched and ineffective. The order was now given to withdraw back across the Kokoda Track.

On Sept 28th the re-enforced Australians mounted an attack to re-take Ioribaiwa Ridge with the 25th Brigade made up of the 2/25th, 2/31st and 2/33rd Battalions and found the Japanese gone when they got there. They had secretly withdrawn to return to their base at Buna. The lack of food, supplies and losses caused by the Australian fighting withdrawal, had proved too costly for the Japanese. Over the next few weeks the Australians continued to pursue the Japanese across the mountains with the 25th Brigade fighting the Japanese rearguard defending Templeton's Crossing, and a week of savage fighting ensued as the fresh Australians attacked the well - entrenched position.

Throughout October, the Japanese pursued now by the 16th Brigade made up of the 2/1st, 2/2nd and 2/3rd Battalions along with the 3rd Battalion, continued to retreat to Eora Creek and occupied another defensive position. Intensive fighting continued in the dark and narrow valley and ridges above Eora Creek and nine days of fighting began. The Japanese eventually pulled back and the Australians once more reached the village of Alola.

On Nov 2nd after months of intense fighting resulting in more than 600 Australians killed and over 1680 wounded the Australian flag was raised over Kokoda village. They pursued the Japanese overcoming another tough battleground at Oivi and Gorari until eventually they reached the Kumusi on Nov 18th, ending the battle for the Owen Stanley ranges in what was perhaps the most significant battle fought by Australians.




Trek Itinerary

Please note, the first and last day of this adventure includes your international travel to and from Port Moresby as well as accommodation on the first and last night.

The following 9 day trekking itinerary is recommended as a guide only. Track and weather conditions will inevitably determine the final journey of each trek. To maintain our unblemished safety record, all trekking is done during daylight hours only.  Trekking at night on cliff faces and across raging rivers increases the risk of injury and should only be attempted by experienced trekkers when absolutely necessary.  As many of our Aussie Diggers will attest, the journey across the Kokoda Track is one of respect to those who endured unthinkable conditions during the war in 1942.

Please click on the image below to display a full size/printable version of this sample itinerary.

Kokoda Itinerary - 11 Day Sample

Training & Preparation

Our Spirit have the best safety and success record of any operator on the Kokoda Track. We attribute much of our unrivalled track record to our pre-trek training and preparation program, (you receive once deposit is paid)which includes:

  • Kokoda specific exercise program and nutrition advice - designed and monitored by our team of qualified exercise physiologists
  • Personal equipment and training advice
    • Quality trekking equipment available from our online shop (free delivery with orders over $100)
  • Recommended training buskwalks throughout Australia
  • Clear instructions, travel advice, supporting documentation and timely communication leading up to the event



Here are a few videos which capture the essence of the Kokoda experience with Our Spirit



Our Spirit is proud to share with you genuine testimonials and Facebook reviews from clients who have participated in our expeditions. Beyond the standard written testimonials we have received over the years, a number of people have been interviewed independently by Creative Arts Director, David McIntosh and given their permission for Our Spirit to share their experience.



Our Spirit holds current public liability insurance and maintains comprehensive risk management procedures for all our adventures as part of our standard business practice. Our experience, safety and success record on the Kokoda Track is unsurpassed by any other trek operator, however there are still some things which you should take into consideration prior to booking.

  • It is recommended that each person joining the party be physically prepared by the time of departure. An exercise program, including training walks and nutritional advice are included in the program.
  • There are several sessions within the program that require training with full packs, (that is the backpack and all equipment you intend to use on the trek). By wearing or breaking in your hiking boots (aided by our specifically designed premium trekking socks), you will minimise the risk of blisters and unnecessary sweat problems if they can be addressed prior to commencing the trek. 



Booking Information

We recommend that you make your booking for this adventure at least 4 months prior to the departure date to ensure you have adequate time for the physical preparation that is required. Bookings generally close 3 months prior to departure when international flights and accommodation are finalised.

During the booking process, you will be required to submit your contact details as well as personal information about your health, any conditions or prescribed medications you take; your current fitness levels (including your height, weight, activity) and your emergency contact person's details.

Additionally, you will be required to check all items on the terms and conditions section of the booking form. If you are under 18 years of age, you will also be required to enter the details of a consenting adult who will receive a copy of the form.

A non-refundable deposit of 10% is required to secure your booking with the final balance due 30 days prior to departure.

Upon receipt of your deposit, we will send you an email with instructions and important information that you will need to prepare for this adventure. Alternatively, please let us know if you prefer to receive the preparatory documents on a USB stick and we will post them to you.

IMPORTANT: Exclusive group bookings and group discounts are available by negotiation. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.


More Information

CONTACT US NOW if you would like more information about this adventure.

  • Invite one of our highly qualified Kokoda Trek Leaders to deliver a comprehensive Kokoda Track History presentation to your group
  • Discuss your individual or group requirements
  • Have your adventure specific questions answered by one of our experienced Kokoda Trek Leaders.
  • Request contact details for clients who have trekked the Kokoda Track with Our Spirit and are willing to discuss their experience with you.


Upcoming Events

2024 Kokoda Trek (11 Day Trip)2024 Kokoda Trek (11 Day Trip)2 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024Join us on this incredible 9 day adventure walk in the footsteps of the Aussie Diggers. Limited group size. Guided by an experienced Australian leader with comprehensive local knowledge and customs and an unwavering passion for the Kokoda history, hidden battle sites, treasures and most importantly its legacy, you will experience the highs and lows of the treacherous Kokoda Track with a sense of courage, endurance and mateship without the ultimate sacrifice that our digger's made before us.More... Book Now... Add to Calendar
2025 Kokoda Trek (11 Day Trip)2025 Kokoda Trek (11 Day Trip)8 Mar 2025 - 18 Mar 2025Join us on this incredible 9 day adventure walk in the footsteps of the Aussie Diggers. Limited group size. Guided by an experienced Australian leader with comprehensive local knowledge and customs and an unwavering passion for the Kokoda history, hidden battle sites, treasures and most importantly its legacy, you will experience the highs and lows of the treacherous Kokoda Track with a sense of courage, endurance and mateship without the ultimate sacrifice that our digger's made before us.More... Book Now... Add to Calendar
2025 Kokoda ANZAC Trek (12 Day Trip)2025 Kokoda ANZAC Trek (12 Day Trip)15 Apr 2025 - 26 Apr 2025We invite you on this 12 day life changing experience in PNG. Experience the highs and lows of the treacherous Kokoda Track with a sense of courage, endurance and mateship without the ultimate sacrifice that our digger's made before us. At the end of the trek, stand proud with us on ANZAC Day at the Bomana Cemetery to pay tribute and remember those famous Diggers who fought to save Australia from invasion in 1942.More... Book Now... Add to Calendar

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