Kokoda Trek - March 2009
Kokoda Women on the March - miss the everyday simplicity of life we had in PNG, the people of the villages, the legends and all the friendships of everyone
Kokoda Women on the March
I am still feeling so overwhelmed by our journey in PNG. It’s a weird feeling to miss your family so much and then when you get home you miss the everyday simplicity of life we had in PNG, the people of the villages, the legends and all the friendships of everyone. Keep looking at the photos and pinching myself.
My friend and daughter have made me promise that we will all go when we save our penny’s and time permits. So looks like you get to meet some of the family members sooner than I thought. Told my friend that is okay but I have to go with her daughter when she is old enough and my grandson. It is so important for them to experience what is so important to us as Australians. I think by then I might make the grandkids carry my pack or perhaps they need to see that Nana is no old fart and can still do it…..and that they carry some good genes…Ha ha ha…..
Sandy S. Business Manager, VIC
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