Dear Aidan,
Thank you for a fantastic and memorable experience. I grew up in the wonderful country of PNG and learnt about the track from a very young age.. I had wanted to walk the track from a very young age.. I had wanted to walk the track for a very long time and am very thankful that I got to do it with someone who has an obvious passion for the track, its history and the country. Whilst my grandfather was not an Australian soldier, he fought for the British and was a prisoner of war, working on the Burma railway. This experience has brought me closer to understanding his hardships and struggles which is what I had hoped to achieve….and so for that, I thank you.
I also thank you for what you have done for PNG and the close relationships you have formed with the people of this country, because that is something I also hold dear. Wishing you all the best and congratulations on the Anzac of the year award.
Emma Huckins 24/4/2012